For general inquiries, reach us at [email protected]
The 2024-2025 financial aid application has reached capacity is now closed. Please email [email protected] if you have questions.
Oregon Surf believes that all children should be able to play soccer, regardless of their family’s financial situation.
Players can receive financial help from the club through merit based scholarships or need based financial assistance. Both require an application process.
Para obtener la traducción al español de la información de esta página, comuníquese con el embajador de ESL, Fredy Sotelo, en [email protected] o (503) 616-9424 extensión cero.
Need-Based Financial Assistance
Families in need are provided the opportunity to play through our need-based scholarship program. If you know the posted club fees will be a hardship on your family, please apply for financial aid. Oregon Surf will review each application, keeping all information confidential. All need-based applications for financial aid will be considered.
- Oregon Surf does not award full scholarships on membership fees, and there is no guarantee that aid will be approved.
- Applicants must be registered for 2024-2025 tryouts to be eligible for aid
- Financial Assistance for Club/Team Travel is a separate application process and must be applied for by trip.
- Supporting documentation is required during the application process. Please provide as much documentation as you can for the committee’s review process.
- Your payment of the member fee deposit is a criteria used during the committee’s review process.
⇨ The application deadline for 2024-2025 soccer year is May 10th, 2024. Late applications will be denied unless special circumstances apply. I.e your financial situation changed later in the year.
Para obtener ayuda para completar su solicitud en español, comuníquese con el embajador de ESL, Fredy Sotelo en [email protected] o (503) 616-9424 extensión cero.
Your application will not be reviewed until the supporting documentation has been submitted. Accepted documents are listed further below.
Waiting for a Response?
- Apply early – it’s best to have everything done before tryouts!
- Your application for financial aid will be reviewed in a timely manner.
- Have you accepted your team placement offer? Aid can only be awarded to players who have accepted their placement invitations. Do not wait to accept your team invitation! Respond to your coach and complete the online acceptance/registration right away.
- Financial aid applicants are exempt from financial commitment until their aid amount has been awarded/agreed to
- You must accept or decline the awarded aid amount within 24 hours of notification
- Parents and players must review and sign the award letter and return to the club electronically.
Supporting Documents
Applicants must show CURRENT proof of financial need documentation using one or more of the following methods:
- Eligibility Notification Letter (from player’s school) indicating approval for Free or Reduced Price Meal Benefits – SNP (School Nutrition Programs) from the Oregon Department of Education
- Oregon Health Plan proof of coverage in the parent/guardian/s name (Form 1095-B)
- SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, I.e. food stamps) benefits – official documentation from the issuing agency. SNAP/Oregon Trail Cards are NOT considered official proof.
- Cash Assistance (TANF or Refugee Cash) or Child Care (ERDC) benefits – official documentation from the issuing agency. EBT/SNAP/Oregon Trail Cards are NOT considered official proof.
- A copy of the parents’ most recent pay stubs, W2 forms, 1099s, or 1040s
- If you do not qualify using the above methods, your application may still be considered. Please provide a statement regarding the situation that has created your need for assistance on the application.